Life After Divorce

Your New Chapter Starts Here!

Who needs enemies right?

You do a pretty good job at knocking yourself down without any help from others

You are your own worst critic

So life threw you a few hard knocks

And you’ve picked yourself up

But still at times you find yourself asking

“there must be more to life?”

You’ve tried self improvement, self development but still not feeling any better?

You feel empty and yes perhaps broken

For a different approach – keep reading

What if I told you that YOU are in control of everything that you experience?

No I’m not talking about The Law of Attraction or anything like that – I’m talking about working with your thoughts.

I’m talking about living more in the moment and really learning how to let go of the past and the things that keep you stuck so you can step into your best self.

Do you know people who somehow seem happy all the time, no matter what?

Would you like to experience a more consistent state of happiness?

What if I told you that by working with me you will learn to become the person you want to be?

No actually the person you are meant to be!

And that this is exactly why I created The Fix Up?

What is The Fix Up?

The Fix Up is about becoming mindful in every aspect of your life.

It’s about developing a deep self awareness.

The Fix Up is a personal journey of transformation where you explore who you are at your core.

And more importantly it’s about self-mastery.

In the words of Louise Hay -

“I do not fix my problems, I fix my thinking. Then the problems fix themselves”

Three teachings covered in The Fix Up are:

  1. In the course you will start by learning how to develop your self awareness, how to start paying attention to your feelings, behaviour and self talk.

  2. You will learn how to improve your relationship with you. How to silence your self critic, how to become your own best friend.

    “Be who you want to be NOT what others want to see”

    Yes learn to start listening to you, to pay attention to what you want, let go of pleasing everyone else and learn to please yourself.

  3. And a large part of this course is about learning self care, self love and self compassion.

    Only when you are able to fully accept you for who you are can you be whole.

    Only when you start to care for yourself like you would a child, can you truly feel the greatness of life.

A six-week program specifically designed to reconnect you to your authentic self so you can start living life being who you were always meant to be.

Each week you will have access to comprehensive teaching full of resources to challenge and guide you on this self-exploration and self-awareness journey.

Video teachings on topics such as self-critic, paying attention to how you relate to yourself, and how you relate to others.

Guided Recorded Meditations to help you silence the constant chatter so you can hear your internal messages.

Printable Worksheets.

Fully mobile compatibility.

Daily focused activities to help you move forward.

Access to me through a private blog within the site.

The chance to ask questions to help deepen your understanding and ensure you move towards your intended destination.

Opportunities to engage with like-minded people in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Course Outline

Here’s an outline of what you will get once you sign up for the course:

six-Week Course – Week by Week Lessons:

  • Lesson One – Paying attention to Who You Think You are.

  • Lesson Two – Paying attention to Your Self Critic.

  • Lesson Three – Paying attention to Your Habits.

  • Lesson Four – Paying attention to How You Care for Yourself.

  • Lesson Five – Paying attention to How You Relate to Others.

  • Lesson Six – Paying Attention - How to Stay Open and Curious.

And you also get:

  • Video Talks covering all the lessons and topics discussed above.

  • Daily activities to help you dig deep and enhance your learning.

  • Recorded Guided Meditations to enable you to begin to practice being in the moment.

  • Access to a private group where you can ask questions, express your feelings in a non threatening and non judgmental way. Get support from people just like you.

  • Access to me in the private group so you can ask questions and share your thoughts.

By the end of the course you will see marked changes in the way you live, you will have awakened parts of you that you have not paid attention to perhaps since childhood. You will learn how to listen to your needs, your wants and take your life into your own hands.

Is The Fix Up for you?

You have had enough of feeling not good enough.

You know there’s a better way but just don’t know what it is.

You have taken the knocks in life and want to know how to finally move on.

You are willing to do the work because you want to be the best version of yourself.

You believe that it’s time for YOU – you’ve had enough of pleasing others – this is your time!!

You finally want to live your life on your terms.

Warning: This is not for you if you are not serious about reaching your full potential. This program is life-changing and life-enhancing but does require your commitment. You will need to practice daily however don’t worry that doesn’t mean you have to give up too much time, just implement what you learn into your daily life.

“After years of being told there was something wrong with me, one day I accepted there was nothing wrong and I started to live my life. thank you Anna for showing me the way” — PT


How do I access the course?

Once you sign up you will be given personal login details that will take you straight to the course. You can start straight away.

How long do I have to finish the course?

There is no time frame for you to finish the course, it will take as long as you need it to take. However, it is better that you work through the course systematically so that you can benefit fully. The longer you take the more you are resisting moving on.

Each lesson is designed to take around a week; the reason for this is to allow the teaching to sink in before moving on to the next stage. It is important that you follow the structure as it is laid out so you can deal with each area fully before moving on to the next stage.

Must I share in the private group?

In addition to the online resources you get on this course, you are also given access to a private group of fellow participants. The group will give you the opportunity to share your experiences throughout the course. It will allow you to give and receive support from people going through the same or similar challenges. However it is entirely up to you how much you chose to share, it is your journey and you will not be made to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Do I continue to have access after I finish the course?

You can download all the resources, including the guided meditations so that you can come back to them whenever you wish. You will also continue to have access to the private group after the course.

“Anna made me you feel safe enough to express feelings I’ve never shared with anyone before. it has changed my life” — OB

Are you ready to start being true to yourself?

Ready to start living authentically?

Then don’t waste any more time, take action today.

There’s no better reward than seeing the people I work with grow and find themselves again.

I love it when they take action because of something they have learned whilst working with me. It’s nothing but amazing to see their whole posture go from slouching to sitting up proud and strong because they’ve finally accepted themselves fully.

I hope you will join them and become one of the stories I’m proud of, I hope I get the chance to see you become everything you deserve to be.

Mostly I hope that you have the courage to begin to love yourself because nobody deserves your love more than you do!

Before I leave you I want to just make sure you understand what The Fix-Up will do for you.

I believe in what I do wholeheartedly and I know that if you follow the weekly lessons you will notice a significant change in your life. You will get the tools you need to:

  • Settle your mind, to find a sense of peace and freedom

  • Be free from the trap of habits, limiting beliefs, and lack of self-appreciation.

  • Feel better about life, about you and your future.

  • Learn to love yourself and start taking care of yourself.

  • Stop focusing on depleting activities and start focusing on nourishing yourself.

  • Start being your own best friend by silencing that inner critic once and for all!!

Most importantly I will help you to let go of what no longer serves you so you can finally let your life take off!

Join Now

The Fix Up
One time
For 2 months

Get access to this six week self-mastery course.

✓ Over five hours of video tutorials
✓ Corresponding weekly tasks
✓ Worksheets to download
✓ Guided Meditations